Published work



Local climate action meets economic development: Lessons from the Melbourne Climate Network

OECD Cogito, 24 September 2024

Emergent concepts in local economic development

Local Economy (2024) 38(8) 804-826

5 writing hacks for public servants

Apolitical, 12 March 2024


Cities are Australia’s superpower

Committee for Economic Development Australia, 16 November 2023

Successful uses of a voice overseas

The Saturday Paper, 26 August – 1 September 2023

How Melbourne supported its economy during the pandemic: Lessons learned

Apolitical, 4 July 2023

Economic development in a pandemic : Reflections from Melbourne, ‘the world’s most locked-down city’

Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal, (Summer 2023) 16(4) 375-384


Suffering from pandemic fatigue? Well, get over it

Australian Financial Review, 8 July 2022

Recovery: An Opportunity Too Good to Miss

New Zealand Infrastructure Review, Volume 2, Number 1, 2022

What Australia can learn from Singapore, the world’s most successful city-state (review of ‘Lion City: Singapore and the Invention of Modern Asia’ by Jeevan Vasagar)

Australian Foreign Affairs, Issue 14, February 2022


Building Back Better

Governance Matters, The Chandler Institute of Governance, November 2021

How to build back better: Lessons from a major city’s response to the 2007-09 financial crisis

Apolitical, 13 October 2021

How will we grapple with the challenges of crisis recovery?

The Mandarin, 7 September 2021

Can Australia flourish after Covid? 10 steps to getting us there if we learn from history.

The Guardian, 30 August, 2021

This time, Australia needs to nail the recovery

Australian Financial Review, 26 August 2021

Community needs to be central to recovery

Probono Australia, 26 August 2021


The island where everyone owns the wind

Reasons to be Cheerful, 25 December 2020

Colorado’s new family leave law could transform fatherhood

Reasons to be Cheerful, 9 November 2020

Why big cities will survive and thrive after the pandemic

Australian Financial Review, 30 October 2020

How other countries cracked the world’s biggest problems (and we can too)

PA Times, Fall 2020

The secret to how Singapore became a world-leader in education

Apolitical, 24 August 2020

Germany’s Fraunhofer network is a growth engine

InnovationAus, 26 April 2020

Germany a model for industry resilience

InnovationAus, 22 April 2020

In managing this crisis, Australia is tracking mid pack

Australian Financial Review, 28 March 2020

Gone with the wind: How Denmark is bidding farewell to fossil fuels – an extract

The Monthly, 4 March 2020

How Australians can work less and pass the test

Australian Financial Review, 20 February 2020


Industry policy emerges from globalisation resurgent and more important than ever

The Mandarin, 25 January 2017

5 areas of Australian public policy that saw substantial long-term impact

The Mandarin, 29 August 2017


Social infrastructure: The policy conundrum of growing cities

The Mandarin, 26 February 2016

Planning, Funding and Delivering Social Infrastructure in Australia’s Outer Suburban Growth Areas

Urban Policy and Research 34(3) 284-297


How best-practice public administration is quietly transforming Victoria

Australian Journal of Public Administration 74(3), September 2015

The five reforms quietly changing Victoria for the better

The Mandarin, 5 February 2015


How Australia is integrating commercial and community spaces

The Guardian, 28 January 201


Collaborative approaches to regional governance – lessons from Victoria

Australian Journal of Public Administration 71(4), December 2012